August News

We are now well into the growing season with lots of veggies heading your way. In July we were very fortunate to have very minimal damage from Hurricane Arthur. We had closed down the sides of the hoophouse and it stayed put. Everything in the garden is growing well!

We have had a number of people come and help us in the last month hailing from France, Germany, Finland, Tawain, Australia, Canada and the States! We connect with these international travellers through a couple of different website networks including,, and We offer an exchange of room and board for help in the field. It is a skilling sharing experience for everyone! For those of you closer to home who want to learn more about growing food, or just want to harvest your own tomatoes, we also offer a work exchange where you can come to our farm, work for a couple hours and leave with a bag full of veggies! Win win for everyone!

This month we will have: Yellow and Green Beans, Beets, Cucumbers, Carrots, Leeks, Kohlrabi, Salad Mix, Kale, Onions, Radish, Zuchinni, Winter Squash, Summer Turnips, Lettuce, Green Onions, Peas, Swiss Chard, Broccoli and Tomatoes!

Anna, Kyle and Rowan

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